Cacimbinhas - Pipa/RN

On your way by road from Tibau do Sul to Pipa, pass by the last hotel you see in Tibau do Sul on your left, go ahead about 500 meters at the road and you'll see that the cliffs at the beach get a little lower and more yellow. Find the access between the cliffs to take you to the beach and its right in front. If you go by the beach, pass the spot called Boia in front of the Solar hotel and walk another kilometer.

  • Comprimento da Onda: Short (< 50m)
  • Direção do Swell: SouthEast, East, NorthEast
  • Direção da Onda: Right, Left
  • Direção do Vento: SouthEast, East, NorthEast
  • Tipo do Fundo: Sand
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Cacimbinhas - Pipa/RN

Victor Santos


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