New Orleans/AL

Take road to Paripueira from Maceio, passing Praia da Sereia you will see a restaurant on the right side right on the beach.

Towards the North coast of Maceio city, you should ask local people where is Sereia’s beach. Than as you drive along the beaches, after Sereias’ point you can see that there is a gas station on your left than the first Bar on your right standing alone between coconut trees is named Vila do Mar. just enter it’s not forbidden. That’s it.

  • Comprimento da Onda: Short (< 50m)
  • Direção do Swell: NorthWest
  • Direção da Onda: Right, Left
  • Direção do Vento: NorthWest
  • Tipo do Fundo: Sand & rock
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