Palmas - Palmas/SC

From Florianópolis, drive north on BR-101 Highway. Stay tuned to the big sign warning the "Gov. Celso Ramos" city entrance. When you see it, slow down, so you will not miss it. Drive more 18km to the little town Gov. Celso Ramos. When you get there, right after the Elementary School after mainland, turn right to reach Palmas beach in the other side the big hill. There are signs; you won't miss it. All the way is asphalt. Very nice driving and very nice sights to see. Very easy to find.

  • Comprimento da Onda: Short (< 50m)
  • Direção do Swell: East
  • Direção da Onda: Right, Left
  • Direção do Vento: East
  • Tipo do Fundo: Sand
Eu surfo nessa praia!
Eu tiro fotos nessa praia!


Palmas - Palmas/SC

Isaac Scharmann


Palmas - Palmas/SC

Marcello Fabra


Palmas - Palmas/SC

Crysthian Bernardi


Palmas - Palmas/SC

Isaac Scharmann


Palmas - Palmas/SC

Kaio Henrique


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